
Can You Tattoo Over A Pen Ink

Too known as hand-poked or auto-free tattoos, stick-and-poke tattoos have by and large been associated with the underground culture and tattoo community for a long time. These tattoos have ever been straightforward, with simple and minimal designs.

Fifty-fifty nowadays, the stick-and-poke tattoo tends to be simplistic and minimal. However, some tattoo artists practice range their tattoos from detailed to complex. There is simply something for everyone in the stick-and-poke tattoo world.

However, stick-and-poke tattoos take besides been associated with a DIY technique of getting a tattoo. Because the stick-and-poke technique doesn't require a tattoo machine and is done in uncomplicated dots, many take been brave enough to do these tattoos themselves.

One of the nigh common methods of DIY stick-and-poke tattoo is done using pen ink. But, can and should you exist using pen ink for a tattoo? Let's find out in the following paragraphs!

Stick-and-Poke Tattoos: Explained

What Is a Stick-and-Poke Tattoo?

When you think of tattoos, the first thing y'all imagine is the tattoo automobile and needle. All the same, some tattoos aren't done with the tattoo machine. Stick-and-poke tattoos are a form of, every bit we mentioned, machine-free, not-electric tattooing. The ink is simply practical to the skin using a needle only.

The needle is attached to a contraption (imagine a pencil and a thread), creating an analog tattoo machine. The needle is dipped into the ink so the tattooist pokes your pare, creating the pattern dot by dot.

Why Is the Stick-and-Poke Method Used?

The Stick-and-poke tattooing method originates far back in ancient cultures, like ancient Egypt for example. Because the method merely requires a grade of needle and some pigment or ink, it was ane of the easiest ways to do intricate designs and detailed thousands of years agone.

Notwithstanding, the method has survived the test of fourth dimension and in the 1970s enjoyed a spectacular revival. People started doing stick-and-poke tattoos around the world, simply the skate and punk subculture stood out as the ones pioneering the DIY method.

Nowadays, stick-and-poke tattoos are done for the fun of information technology. They're also more affordable and are generally idea to require less tattooing knowledge to get them done. Nevertheless, these tattoos aren't as easy to practise equally many think. Therefore, DIY tattooing methods are non recommended. If y'all want a proper stick-and-poke tattoo, become get it washed at a reputable tattoo shop.

Why Is the Stick-and-Poke Method Used
Saved Tattoo

Practise Stick-and-Poke Tattoos Injure?

Generally, stick-and-poke tattoos tend to hurt less than the tattoos done using a car. However, the pain question is always subjective. Because people accept dissimilar pain tolerance and levels of pain they tin can handle, it is hard to say whether stick-and-poke tattoos hurt or non.

We would say that stick-and-poke hurt moderately; the pain is there but information technology is not as intense every bit when the tattoo is done using the tattoo machine. Y'all can wait some levels of discomfort, especially if the tattoo is done somewhere sensitive on the torso (like an area with a lot of nervus endings and generally thinner skin).

Are Stick-and-Poke Tattoos Temporary?

One of the most popular misconceptions about stick-and-poke tattoos is that they're temporary. Still, people who think this couldn't be more wrong. Stick-and-poke tattoos are the same as regular tattoos; the just differences are the tools and the method. However, the ink does end up in your skin, and it is in that location to stay, permanently.

Nosotros do take to admit that stick-and-poke tattoos done by not-professionals, amateurs who use DIY tools and techniques, do not concluding long. In such cases, the tattoo either fades away due to the displacement of the ink in the skin, or one experiences a tattoo blowout. Either mode, the tattoo doesn't last long due to an infection, fading, feathering, and overall lack of proper execution.

Also Read:Temporary Vs. Permanent Tattoos: Which One Should You Go?

And so, Tin I Utilise Pen Ink For a DIY Stick-and-Poke Tattoo?

Well, Aye and No!

Now that we know what stick-and-poke tattoos are and how they're done, there are ii kinds of answers we tin can provide;

  1. Yes, you can do your stick-and-poke tattoo using a DIY technique, only you're risking an infection, blowout, and complete tattoo fading!
  2. No, yous cannot do a stick-and-poke tattoo using a DIY pen ink, for the aforementioned reasons!

Technically, it is possible to utilise pen ink for stick-and-poke tattoos; that can't be denied. But, the question is whether yous should employ pen ink and insert it into your skin. We believe that such a thing is truly ridiculous for numerous reasons. We know that DIY, dwelling house tattoos are a thing, only simply remember; yous're placing PEN INK into YOUR SKIN! Allow's wait at some reasons why you shouldn't do that!

Can I Use Pen Ink For a DIY Stick-and-Poke Tattoo
Saved Tattoo

The Run a risk of Pen Ink

Pen ink is found in gel pens, permanent markers, highlighters, etc. Information technology contains dyes, alcohols, and a chemical gel known as glycol or glycol ether. This chemical gel is generally considered toxic in large amounts. Because its amounts in pens are so insignificant, pen ink is Not considered to exist toxic.

Even so, this non-toxicity data is valuable when the pen ink is not consumed internally, of course. Then, the issue arises when 1 decides to put pen ink into their skin and connect it directly to their bloodstream and metabolism.

In such a case, the pen ink can consequence in poisoning and pen ink overdosing. Some of the most common symptoms and effects include;

  • Stained pare
  • Stomach upset
  • Digestion problems
  • Skin infection

Nowadays, pen inks aren't considered toxic since many manufacturers accept removed toxic ingredients from use. However, yous never know where the pen comes from and how it'due south been made. And so, you lot demand to go on that in mind likewise.

The Risk Of Pen Ink Stick-and-Poke Tattoo

Start of all, one of the main risks of DIY, homemade tattoos is the fact that they're non washed in sterile and health-regulated environments. They are besides non done with proper and sterile equipment.

Therefore, the DIY stick-and-poke using pen ink can result in serious infections, including MRSA and Hepatitis infections.

In that location is also always the issue of skin/tattoo infection, permanent skin staining, and tattoo blowout. Not to mention the fact that a stick-and-poke tattoo is an open, fresh wound, just like a regular tattoo. As such, it makes you exposed to germs, leaner, and viruses which can put your health at serious hazard.

The wellness hazards of doing a pen ink stick-and-poke tattoo are just overwhelming. Nosotros once more urge you to become to a professional person and reputable tattoo artist and go your stick-and-poke tattoo done properly!

How To Practice Stick-and-Poke Tattoo DIY?

Now, if you lot really don't want to become and go your tattoo professionally done, there is a way to go the stick-and-poke tattoo in the comfort of your home. Just, bear in mind; a DIY tattoos will e'er look similar it was homemade; it will never have a professional advent!

And then, for starters; practice not use pen ink! Just, go online and order a bottle of black tattoo ink. The real ink will look 1000 times meliorate, and there is a lower chance of infection with the real ink. We recommend you go for vegan, heavy-metal-gratuitous ink.

And then, make certain that the tools you use are properly cleaned and sterilized. This, unfortunately, doesn't hateful the tools volition be 100% sterile, just it's better than doing cipher.

Try to also clean your skin properly, and maybe fifty-fifty consider shaving the area where the tattoo will be placed.

Once you've completed your homemade tattoo, make sure to follow a proper aftercare routine. Let the tattoo heal, make clean it properly, do non cover it with heavy lotions, and endeavour not to pick it and skin it.

If the tattoo becomes red, inflamed, and sore, and stays then for a few days, chances are the tattoo is infected. In that case, seek medical attending as before long as possible.

Note: Nosotros don't recommend you use the then-called Republic of india ink, because the source of this ink is always questionable, as well as its ingredients. Chances are the ink contains heavy metals, which could cause serious health issues.

Final Thoughts

As yous may have noticed, we seriously advise people not to do any DIY, bootleg tattoo, especially the stick-and-poke kind with pen ink. This tin be seriously dangerous and can put your health at hazard. Information technology is e'er better to go get professionally tattooed than to take chances pare and tattoo infection.

Stick-and-poke tattoos aren't even that expensive; compared to regular tattoos, stick-and-poke tattoos tend to price less than $100. What we're trying to say is that DIY tattoos aren't but worth it!

As well Read: 5 Best Stick-and-Poke Tattoo Kits (2021 Updated)

Can You Tattoo Over A Pen Ink,


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